Largest Cast
- Les Opales (38 actors)
[Summer Festival of the Arts]
- Princess Gray and the Black/White Knight (32 actors)
[St. Hedwig's School]
- Ubu: a play for children (31 actors)
[Camden Hills Regional High School]
- Elephans (28 actors)
[Summer Festival of the Arts]
- The Elf (26 actors)
[Iowa Playwrights Workshop]
- Ubu in Chains (26 actors)
[Summer Festival of the Arts]
- Princess Gray and the Black & White Knights (26 actors)
[Orangeburg Part-Time Players]
- Where's Ubu? (24 actors)
[Waterville High School Drama]
- Princess Gray and the Black/White Knight (24 actors)
[Summer Festival of the Arts]
- Princess Gray and the Black & White Knights (23 actors)
[Osceola High School]
- In Real Life (22 actors)
[Summer Festival of the Arts]
- Where's Ubu? (21 actors)
[Wang Center for the Performing Arts]
[JeffNet /
Schedule /
Catalogue /
Reading Room /
Stuff /
Rights & Royalties]