Most Popular Plays
- The Eight: Reindeer Monologues
(over 690 productions to date)
---plus 36 readings & excerpts (thru 2011)
---plus 5 reading (after 2011)
---plus 4 excerpts (after 2011)
---thru Dec 2019 does NOT include ANY prods from Calendar-Year 2020; last updated January 2020
---DOES include the following unverified productions:
---2012 University of Baltimore / Iron Crow Theatre Company (reading)
---2015 London Voice & Movement - I believe this 2nd production was licensed, but may have been cancelled due to a loss of the Lion & Unicorn theatre space
1993 - 1 reading
1994 - 7 productions
1995 - 5 productions
1996 - 5 productions + 1 excerpt
1997 - 10 productions + 1 excerpt
1998 - 19 productions + 1 excerpt
2020 - 8 productions + 1 reading + 1 excerpt
2021 - 9 productions (but 1 was cancelled)
2022 - 4 productions (plus 1 cancelled)
2023 - 5 productions
- The Ubu Plays
(over 77 productions)
---counting multiple performances of a high schools competition tour as ONE production
---51 UBU: 29 known, 22 assumed ("Ubu Plays"), thru Wylie East High School in Apr 2017
--- approx 13 Ubu In Chains productions ---thru Nov 2011 (Oakland Mills HS is last KNOWN prodn)
---approx 13 Where's Ubu? productions - thru Nov 2011 (Oakland Mills HS is last KNOWN prodn)
stop keeping track of THIS stat because Im not sure what i meant by it:
---49 *separate* schools have produced UBU plays (that is, counting an evening of UB1 & UB2 as one "production") thru 2014 Great Bridge
- Poona the Fuckdog and other plays for children
(40 productions)
---plus 5 screenings; 6 excerpts; 4 readings
---thru Northern State University 2022
(counting orig open circle run in 1999 as 2 prodns)
(counting Rebel Theater and Edinburgh Festival in 2000 as 2 prodns)
Princess Gray and the Black & White Knights
Don Quixote and the Black Knight)
(33 productions)
---Princess Gray (14 productions) thru Clifford Smart revival 2018
---Don Quixote (19 productions) thru 2013 Rosemere High School's 2nd production
- Aesop Refabled
(20 productions)
---plus 3 readings (SkyPilot)
---plus 14 excerpts (Cheer Squad)
--- [I have decided to count Reflect Production as full production only, NOT as an excerpt]
--- [I counted Bridgewater 2020 though it was probably cancelled for covid]
---thru Nov 2022 (Corbett Junior High is last production)
---entered top ten in Feb 2016 at #6 !!
- Seven Santas
(17 productions)
---plus 7 readings
---thru Birmingham Fest 2023
- HKFN: The Abbreviated Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
(12 productions)
---plus 2 cancelled productions
---plus 1 excerpt
---*thru 2023 Resnik Middle School*
- Marley's Ghost
(10 productions)
---thru Dec 2019 prodn
---plus 1 if you count Unknowns MarXmas 2006
---top ten list DEBUT Nov30.07
- Prague-nosis!
(9 productions)
---plus 2 reading
---and 1 excerpt
---counting Skypilot 2012 as an excerpt
---plus Dubai 2015 may have been an excerpt. (Why only 3 actors)? But I am counting it as a FULL production for now
---thru Nacho Pals 2024 prodn
---bumped from top ten Feb 2016 by Aesop Refabled
- Larry and the Werewolf
(9 productions)
- Anger Box
(approx 9 productions)
---thru Denton 2012; not counting ThZone fundraisers preparatory to Edinburgh 2004; counting BU 2008 as one-half
- Your Swash is Unbuckled
(9 productions)
---plus 1 reading (Oklacon)
---thru Nov 2015 Lincoln Land Community College - Steam Pirates editio
---(counting Rage Theatrics prod'ns at Iowa Fringe and Englert Theatre as 1 prodn)
- Elephans
(9 productions)
---thru 2023 Metropolitan Library OKC
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