The Eight: Reindeer Monologues

Key City Public Theatre
Port Townsend - 2010

Publicity photos by Lew Stock / KCPT
Santa's female reindeer, Dancer (Denise Winter), Vixen (Amy Sousa) and Blitzen (Maggie Wegener) tell very different stories when questioned about their boss's behavior.
Cupid (Charlie Bethel) and Blitzen (Maggie Wegener) threaten to strike after the salacious Santa scandal breaks.

Publicity photos by Michael McKee (

The publicity guy for Key City Public Theater sent out an email requesting volunteers from the Port Townsend Photo Club to take publicity photos of the final afternoon of The Reindeer Monologs. As it turned out I had just changed the battery in my camera and was headed out to shoot some landscapes. I went downtown to get some Key City photos instead. I'm glad that I did. The play was terrific.
