Ubu & Ubu In Chains

Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin
Chardon - 2008

UBU opens the show
UBU and Mrs. Ubu - A moment of domestic bliss.
The Dragoons arrive.
UBU at court.
Plotting the King's demise.
Moments before the assassination.
The King is dead.
The Queen and Damocles pray.
UBU's death.
UBU's funeral.
UBU's resurrection
The Queen dies.
The new King UBU throws money to the masses.
An old woman tells her tragic story.
UBU and his lawyers.
Helping the audience follow the scenes.
Still more help.
The counter-revol ution.
Ubu and his advisors.
The Czar offers a white flag.
The Russian Army throws down their arms.
There is no escape.
Into battle.
Without Poland there would be no Poles!
UBU refuses to be King of America.
The Freemen.
UBU in his slave costume.
UBU's services are rejected.
UBU meets the Freemen.
Euthenasia and the Judge.
UBU on a street corner.
UBU tries to serve.
UBU kills the Judge.
The ghost of Mrs. Ubu searches...
The search continues.
UBU consults the cook and the maid.
Death...It's all done with smoke and mirrors.
Imprisonment. ..a word the Freemen cannot abide.
Interviewing Katie Collins.
Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
Even more Guilty!
The boss is just asking for it at the fast food joint.
To Prison!
The warden "talks" with UBU.
The Ambassador seeks the King of America.
The ghost of Mrs. Ubu seeks entrance into the prison.
The angry mob.
The mob is even more angry!