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So, I have been really busy the past few days because I have been catching up from the weekend. My entire weekend was occupied by Blitz Theatre. This is one of the many things unique to Hiram College and specifically its theatre department. Blitz Theatre is where a show is selected and performed within 24 hours. So, for example, we met at 9:00 PM on Friday and chose a show. We chose to do some monologues from a book called The Reindeer Monologues and some various skits and holiday jokes from a website. On Friday night, we did a read-through, organized the set, and went to the costume shop to find some costumes. By this point, it was about 2:00 in the morning. We then decided that it was a good idea to get some sleep. We met back at 10:00 and did another run-through, made tons of posters, and sent out mass e-mails. After lunch, we went to the props loft and found some props for the show and made what we didn’t have. For example, we needed a broken yo-yo. I made one out of a rock and some string. It was pretty funny. At 9:00 PM on Saturday, we performed for an audience of about 30 people. It was pretty exciting because most of the people laughed at us. (Which was our intention). So, there wasn’t a lot of time for doing homework because of Blitz. On Sunday, I took advantage of another Hiram College priviledge. There is a group called KULAS that pays for tickets for students so that they can attend events at Playhouse Square in Cleveland. It is really nice because not only is there no cost to the students, but the college runs a shuttle that takes you to Cleveland. So, on Sunday afternoon I went to downtown Cleveland to see the Cleveland Opera. It was the first time that I had ever seen an opera. I still like musical theatre better, but opera was still okay. We saw the Elixir of Love. The most interesting part was that the Cleveland Opera teamed up with the New Orleans Opera a few years ago. They were supposed to borrow sets from the New Orleans Opera for the show, but the sets were inaccessible due to Hurricane Katrina. So, instead, the Cleveland Opera pieced together a set from what it had from previous shows. All in all, it was pretty interesting. Well, I better go because I have a Latin test tomorrow.