Fort Worth Star-Telegram - January 7, 2005
The Eight: Reindeer Monologues
Mark Lowry
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Friday, January 7, 2005
And just when we thought we weren't going to have to write "Santa Claus" until November, CrimeScene Company, a local outfit that specializes in murder mysteries, offers a post-holiday staging of Jeff Goode's The Eight: Reindeer Monologues. At least this time we can say bad things about Santa, because that's what his sleigh-pullers do in Goode's work. Each of them gripe about the Man and whine about that attention hog, Rudolph. Dasher is a control freak, Cupid is gay, Blitzen is a feminist, Comet is an ex-con and Prancer has changed his name to Hollywood. Makes you wonder how any of them were able to cooperate to make another successful world tour.