The Stage
Friday, November 5, 2010
There are some structural problems, but author Jeff Goode has a particularly fluid style, and director Matthew Lloyd Davies has brought together a fascinating cast for this offbeat yet undeniably absorbing piece.
There are some remarkable performances from the eight angry reindeer, including James McGregor as the fascist, closeted Comet and Heather Johnson as a docile, innocent Dancer. Verbose and egotistical Prancer, brought to life by Roger Rowley, swaggers about the stage bitching about his next movie, while proud Dasher, played by Alex Gartshore, epitomises the working-class ethic, boasting of a lifetime's achievements. Kali Peacock brings assurance and authority to the activist Blitzen, but it is the excellent Kirsty Malpass as Vixen who is the focus of all the furore.