Turf Pirates is a stage combat scenario for two pirate crews and no boat which was originally performed at the Renaissance Festival of Kansas City.
Cap'n Buck
Ah, the pirate's life for me! Looting and pillaging.
Taking what you want. And wanting what you can't have.
Living off the ocean's bounty.
Mister Creed
Shut up!
Mister Creed
You're being shanghaied, that's what.
Mister Creed
Shanghaied. It means we kidnapped you and we aren't letting you go until we've boarded our ship and put out to sea. And then you'll have to either pitch in with the rest of the crew, or we throw you to the sharks. Arr!
Cap'n Buck
We've found it's an effective means of recruiting.
Mister Creed
Not so good for morale, though. Half the crew jumps ship every time we hit port.
Cap'n Buck
I think you'll like the pirate's life, though. Wine and women.
Well, not so many women, really. But wine.
Well, not wine. More like rum actually. Well, actually, more like grog.
Mister Creed
That's the pirate's life: Grog, and no women.
Cap'n Buck
Great Neptune's beard! Mister Creed...
Mister Creed
What is it, Cap'n?
Cap'n Buck
Where's the ship???
Mister Creed
The ship?
Cap'n Buck
This is your fault. I told you to remember where we docked.
Mister Creed
(taking out a map:)
Where's my map? Seven paces to the left, three paces to the right...
Cap'n Buck
You know I hate it when you pace.
(Mister Creed stops pacing.)
How am I going to explain this to the crew?
Mister Creed
(spying something with his telescope:)
Erk! Captain!
Cap'n Buck
What is it, Mister Creed?
Mister Creed
We're being watched!
Cap'n Buck
(also looking:)
Poseidon's pancreas, so we are!
Mister Creed
What do you make of it, Cap'n?
Cap'n Buck
(figuring it out:)
These must be the brigands who hijacked our ship.
Mister Creed
What do we do now, Cap'n?
Cap'n Buck
What would any pirate do in this situation!
Mister Creed
Take prisoners!
Cap'n Buck
Take prisoners!
Mister Creed
Brilliant stratagem, Cap'n. You've turned the tables on these marauders. Arr!
Cap'n Buck
Thank you, Mister Creed.
Mister Creed
Shall I clap 'em in irons, sir?
Cap'n Buck
Clap 'em in irons, Mister Creed!
Mister Creed
The irons are on the ship.
Cap'n Buck
(glares at Creed:)
Never mind then.
Mister Creed
(aside to Cap'n Buck:)
Have they cracked yet, Cap'n?
Cap'n Buck
They're a tough lot. But I have not yet begun to intimidate.
(to audience:)
Now, hand over my ship, before I get nasty!
Mister Creed
Cap'n, you're already nasty.
Cap'n Buck
So I am. Well, hand over my ship before... before I get...
Hand over my ship, or else.
Mister Creed
Or else, what, sir?
(Cap'n Buck glares at him.)
Cap'n Buck
(to the audience:)
Or else, I will personally flog the lot of you. Arr!
Mister Creed
(to the audience:)
One at a time, of course.
Cap'n Buck
One at a time?
Mister Creed
Cap'n Buck
Why one at a time?
Mister Creed
Well, if you don't mind my saying, I think if you tried to flog them all at once, these people would kick your... aft, Cap'n.
Cap'n Buck
You really know how to take the wind out of a man's sails, don't you Mister Creed?
Mister Creed
(with great pride:)
Yes, I do, sir!
(Cap'n Buck glares at Creed.)
Oh, you mean that figuratively, don't you, Cap'n?
I mean, no, sir. I mean, yes, sir, I do, but no, sir I don't... I won't... If the wind... If your sails fill up with wind, I will just let you billow sir. From now on.
Cap'n Buck
See that you do.
(goes back to the audience:)
All right, you asked for it.
Mister Creed
Agh! Look out, he's got a cutlass!
Cap'n Buck
(brandishing his blade:)
Wait a minute. This isn't my cutlass.
Mister Creed
It's not? It looks like your cutlass.
Cap'n Buck
This is my old cutlass, I want the new one. The fancy one.
Mister Creed
The cutlass supreme? I think you left it on the ship.
Cap'n Buck
On the ship? Are you positive?
Mister Creed
No, I'm negative, thank God.
(They both realized they've digressed.)
Mister Creed
Cap'n Buck
But that's a story for another time.
(back to the audience:)
Now I'm through messing around with you... you... land lubbers.
Mister Creed
Good one, Cap'n.
Cap'n Buck
Don't interrupt me.
Mister Creed
Sorry, Captain.
Cap'n Buck
(to audience:)
I wasn't going to do this, but you leave me no choice.
Cap'n Buck
(to Creed:)
Stand back, I'm going to swashbuckle.
Mister Creed
Cap'n Buck
What now?
Mister Creed
Just what does a cutlass taste like?
Cap'n Buck
I'm glad you asked. It tastes like this.
Mister Creed
I didn't know you were going to kill me.
Cap'n Buck
Well, it doesn't do any good to die now.
Cap'n Buck
All right, I was saving this as a last resort, but...
Mister Creed
What are you gonna do, Cap'n?
Cap'n Buck
The penultimate pirate persuasion.
Mister Creed
You mean...?
Cap'n Buck
That's right, the most fearsome form of torture in a buccaneer's boudoir--- I mean, repertoire.
Mister Creed
Swinging from a yardarm?
Cap'n Buck
Worse than swinging from a yardarm.
Mister Creed
Cap'n Buck
Worse than keelhauling.
Mister Creed
Food from the galley?
Cap'n Buck
Better than food from the galley.
Mister Creed
Oh no! You don't mean...?
Cap'n Buck
Oh yes.
Cap'n Buck & Mister Creed
Cap'n Buck
Wait, what am I thinking, we don't have a plank.
Mister Creed
I got one!
Cap'n Buck & Mister Creed
Cap'n Buck
(to the audience:)
Since you won't cooperate, somebody's going walk the plank.
Mister Creed
That's strange, the plank always works.
Cap'n Buck
(taking him aside, panicked:)
Mister Creed!
Mister Creed
Yes, Cap'n?
Cap'n Buck
I think we have a crisis on our hands.
These people have hearts of flint.
We need a plan. Call up the rest of the crew.
Mister Creed
(runs around screaming:)
All hands on deck! All hands on deck!
Cap'n Buck
The entire crew has abandoned ship???
Mister Creed
No, the entire crew is on the ship.
Cap'n Buck
Argh. So, it's just you and me?
Mister Creed
Well, and the new recruit.
Cap'n Buck
All right, untie him.
Mister Creed
We can't do that, Cap'n! You know we never untie them until we're at least seven leagues out to sea.
Cap'n Buck
Why not?
Mister Creed
They always try to run away.
Cap'n Buck
Oh, that's right.
But I'm afraid we're going to need all the help we can get.
Mister Creed
I have an idea, Cap'n.
Mister Creed
Now, we could just leave you tied up and throw ya in the brig until we get to Bombay or some other plague-ridden Polynesian port...
Mister Creed
Well, if we untie you and take off your blindfold, will you promise to join our crew and be a pirate for the rest of your life?
Mister Creed
Even if later it turns out that for some reason you're not on a ship at all, and it was all just a trick?
Mister Creed
You promise?
Arr, ya tricked me!
Cap'n Buck
(suddenly noticing something very peculiar:)
Hold it, there, Mister Creed.
Mister Creed
What is it, Cap'n?
Cap'n Buck
Do you notice anything strange about this pirate?
Mister Creed
Cap'n Buck
Okay. Welcome aboard, mate! What's your name?
Cap'n Buck
Did you say, Peggy?
I mean, Pegleg.
Cap'n Buck
You're a woman!
(affecting a deep voice:)
No, I'm not.
Cap'n Buck
Yes, you are.
No, I'm not.
Cap'n Buck
You said your name was Peggy.
No, it's Peg-leg, slip-of-the-tongue.
Mister Creed
Where's your peg leg, then?
I lost it in a fishing accident.
Cap'n Buck
(considers, but then:)
You're a woman and you know it!
No, really.
Mister Creed
If you're not a woman,
Mister Creed
(from the ground:)
She's a man, all right.
Sorry about the confusion. No offense.
None taken.
Cap'n Buck
You sure you're a man?
Cap'n Buck
You must think we're pretty stupid.
Cap'n Buck
Well, we're not that stupid.
Mister Creed
What's wrong, Captain?
Cap'n Buck
This man is a woman!
Mister Creed
No! Peggy, is it true?
Please don't kill me.
Cap'n Buck
We're not going to kill you. Go on, get out of here.
I can go?
Cap'n Buck
Yes, go, get out of here before I change my mind.
(starts to go, but then:)
No wait. Take me with you.
Mister Creed
Take you with us?
Mister Creed
Did you miss the part where we kidnapped you and forced you to come with us against your will in the first place?
I may as well confess it now: I let you kidnap me. Please, take me with you. You see, I'm an orphan from a poor family. My mother died before I was born. My father left me. My step-mother abused me. My brothers and sisters ran away from home. And I never had a pony.
Cap'n Buck & Mister Creed
This was my only hope. All my life I've had a dream of leaving my cares behind, and running away to sea to become a pirate!
Cap'n Buck
(put on the spot by her request:)
Oh... gee... I wish we could help you, lass, but... even if we let you come with us, you could never be a pirate.
Why not?
Cap'n Buck
Because women can't be pirates.
I can be anything a man can be!
Cap'n Buck
I'm sure you can, but it's just not the pirate way.
A woman pirate sets a bad example.
Have you ever seen a woman pirate?
Cap'n Buck
(thinks, then:)
Well... No.
Mister Creed
What about Scurvy Pete?
Cap'n Buck
Those were big earrings...
Mister Creed
And what about pirate Steve? Now there's a man was more swash than buckle.
Cap'n Buck
All right, you want me to just come out and say it? The truth is. Well, women are... ...y'know. And pirates. Well, pirates have to be, how shall I put this, ...not like women.
You male chauvinist brigands! I can hoist sail and drop anchor with any man on this ship. And I'll pepper the bloke who says I can't.
Mister Creed
(chuckles patronizingly:)
Now put that away before you hurt someone.
Mister Creed
(from the ground:)
I hope you've learned your lesson.
Cap'n Buck
Alright, enough of this squabbling. You're a good man, Peg. But you're a woman.
But I'll let you join the crew anyway.
Ooh thank you, Captain, thank you!
Mister Creed
(aside to Cap'n Buck:)
You're not going soft on me, are ye, Cap'n?
Cap'n Buck
No, I'm not going soft!!
I didn't know there was a secret pirate pledge.
Mister Creed
Then the secret is safe.
Cap'n Buck
Repeat after me:
(Cap'n Buck and Peg raise their right hands.)
I, Pegleg Peggy...
I, Pegleg Peggy...
Cap'n Buck
Promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...
Promise to tell the truth--
Cap'n Buck
Wait a minute. That's not right, is it?
Mister Creed
No, I don't think so.
Cap'n Buck
(to Mister Creed:)
Do you know how it goes?
Mister Creed
I think it's something like:
(Creed and Peg raise their right hands.)
Mister Creed
Pegleg Peggy...
Pegleg Peggy...
Mister Creed
Promise to be a pirate...
Promise to be a pirate...
Mister Creed
(to Cap'n Buck:)
Something like that, I think.
Cap'n Buck
(suddenly moving on to other business:)
Assemble the crew! I have an important announcement to make.
Mister Creed
We're assembled.
Cap'n Buck
Crew, I have good news and bad news.
Mister Creed
What's the good news, Captain?
Cap'n Buck
(can't think of any:)
Well, I guess there's just bad news.
We lost our ship, we can't find it, we're marooned in a small landlocked village.
What! You lost your ship?
Cap'n Buck
I didn't lose it, he lost it.
Mister Creed
I left it right here.
Cap'n Buck
Well then why isn't it here?
What kind of pirates are you?
Cap'n Buck
Hungry ones, let's have lunch.
I can't believe you kidnapped me and took me away to be a pirate, and you don't even have a ship.
Mister Creed
I can't believe you wanted to come with us.
Cap'n Buck
Would you like a sandwich?
Mister Creed
Pirates off the port bow!
Cap'n Buck
(leaping up:)
A pirate ship?
Mister Creed
No, just the pirates. Three of them. Caribbean by the looks of 'em.
Cap'n Buck
Batten down the hatches! Man the main jib! Hoist the mizzen mast! Hard about the starboard port!
Mister Creed
We can't do any of that, Cap'n.
Cap'n Buck
Oh, I know. Force of habit.
All right, here's the plan. We'll follow these pirates and hijack their ship!
Pirate Bob
We're lost, aren't we Captain?
Captain Patch
Not at all.
Pirate Bob
We're not?
Captain Patch
Pirate Bob
Then why have we been wandering around for hours?
Captain Patch
Because we're lost.
Pirate Bob
You just said we aren't lost.
Captain Patch
I did? I was mistaken.
Pirate Bob
So we are lost?
Captain Patch
I mean, yes. ...What was the question?
Peter Pirate
(spotting Cap'n Buck's sandwich:)
Look, captain, a sandwich.
Captain Patch
Why this is mutiny!
Peter Pirate
I don't think so, Captain.
Captain Patch
It's not?
Peter Pirate
Mutiny is when the crew of a ship overthrows its captain.
Captain Patch
Oh. Then what's this?
Peter Pirate
This is mutton.
Captain Patch
Oh. Any sign of the ship?
Peter Pirate
No, and its the strangest thing. I don't see any ocean either.
Captain Patch
No ocean? That's impossible.
Peter Pirate
That's a bush.
Captain Patch
Oh. Quite right. Well, we've lost our ship, there's only one thing to do.
Pirate Bob
What's that?
Captain Patch
Go into another line of work.
Peter Pirate
We don't know any other line of work.
Captain Patch
I should have stayed in school.
All right, then, I will not be defeated, we'll just have to start over from scratch.
Pirate Bob
From scratch?
Captain Patch
Yes. Here's a plank. We shall build our ship around it.
Peter Pirate
Brilliant plan, Captain
Captain Patch
Thank you, Peter.
Pirate Bob, would you like to steer us out of port?
Pirate Bob
We're not in a port, Captain.
Captain Patch
Great Neptune's navel! That was incredible.
You have a real gift for navigation, Bob. I'm going to let you steer us out of port all the time.
Pirate Bob
Thank you, sir.
Peter Pirate
What shall we do now, Captain?
Captain Patch
Swab the decks. I want this ship shipshape before we ship out.
Peter Pirate
But, Captain, the decks are nothing but dirt.
Captain Patch
I know, and it's a disgrace. Get to work. I'll be in my cabin. Where is my cabin?
Peter Pirate
(aside to Pirate Bob:)
The captain's a bit daft.
Captain Patch
I heard that. If I'm daft, how come you're mopping dirt?
Cap'n Buck
Avast ye swabs!
Pirate Bob
Captain, we're being boarded!
Captain Patch
What did he call us?
Peter Pirate
Swabs, I think.
Captain Patch
What's a swab?
Peter Pirate
What's a vast?
Cap'n Buck
Prepare to be boarded.
Captain Patch
We don't have a ship.
Cap'n Buck
(the last straw:)
Well, why not, confound it??
Captain Patch
Never really needed one before now.
Cap'n Buck
But aren't you pirates?
Captain Patch
Quite right. Sorry. Forget what I said.
Cap'n Buck
So you do have a ship?
Captain Patch
Yes, and no.
Cap'n Buck
Well, listen, we've had a very trying day. Could we just board you anyway and if you lose you can owe us a ship?
Captain Patch
(considering the offer:)
That seems fair.
Pirate Bob
Shove off, you blackguard.
Cap'n Buck
Shove off?
Captain Patch
Pirate Bob, that's not polite. You shouldn't say "shove off" to a pirate, they take it very personally.
Pirate Bob
But, Captain, he means to take over our ship.
Cap'n Buck
Our ship??? Tell the blackguard to shove off, he can't have our ship.
Pirate Bob
Shove off, you blackguard!
Cap'n Buck
I'll see you eat those words, you barnacle's butt!
Pirate Bob
You and whose navy?
Cap'n Buck
Ow ow, I think I pulled something.
Mister Creed
Cap'n, I told you to stretch out before a sea battle.
(to the other pirates:)
This'll only take a minute.
Cap'n Buck
Excuse me, a moment.
(calling to Captain Patch:)
Ahoy there! I want a word with your captain.
Captain Patch
Cap'n Buck
(taking him aside:)
What's it like having a woman on your crew?
Captain Patch
Why do you ask?
Cap'n Buck
Well, I shanghaied a woman today.
(Peg waves)
And I wonder if I haven't made a mistake.
Captain Patch
You want my advice, I say get rid of her. Women are nothing but trouble.
Cap'n Buck
That's what I was afraid of.
Captain Patch
I wouldn't have a female on my ship for all the doubloons in Dublin.
Cap'n Buck
But one of your crew is a woman.
Captain Patch
She is?
(He takes a look. Then when Bob isn't looking he whispers to Peter:)
Psst, Peter. Can you come here a moment?
(Peter comes over.)
Have you been a woman all these years and you never told me?
Peter Pirate
No sir!
Cap'n Buck
Not him. The other one.
Captain Patch
Har har har har har har! I think you've slipped a jib, mate.
(to Peter:)
He says Bob is a woman.
Peter Pirate
Har har har har har!
Captain Patch
(to Bob:)
Bob, come here!
(Bob comes over. Captain Patch and Peter are laughing almost uncontrollably.)
(to Cap'n Buck:)
Tell him what you said. Har har har!
Cap'n Buck
(ducking out:)
Never mind.
Pirate Bob
What? What's so funny?
(While Captain Patch and Peter Pirate guffaw, Cap'n Buck hurries back to his own crew.)
Captain Patch
All right, crew, we're about to come under attack, so remember the first rule of Piracy:
Pirate Bob
Which is?
Captain Patch
Don't give up the ship.
Pirate Bob
We don't have a ship.
Captain Patch
Oh, then remember the second rule of Piracy:
Pirate Bob
Which is?
Captain Patch
Every man for himself.
That's probably not a good rule in this situation either.
Peter Pirate
Ooh, do the third rule!
Captain Patch
Okay, the third rule of Piracy is:
Peter Pirate
I love the third rule.
Captain Patch
Red skies at night, sailors delight.
All Three
Red skies at morning, sailors take warning.
Cap'n Buck
Ahoy there, Captain, are you prepared to surrender your ship?
Captain Patch
...No, I mean!
Cap'n Buck
Yes or no?
Captain Patch
What was the question?
Cap'n Buck
(to his crew:)
Mister Creed
Listen, I notice you've been makin' eyes at me, but I don't know if I'll be comin' back from this battle alive. And even if I do, I'll be puttin' out to sea shortly, so I was wondering if I might sneak a kiss--
Cap'n Buck
Mister Creed!!
Mister Creed
Never mind.
Pirate Bob
You fight like a girl.
Why thank you, so do you.
Mister Creed
Don't worry, Cap'n, I'll fish you out.
Peter Pirate
Man overboard!
Cap'n Buck
Help! Help! I'm going under.
He's too far out, I can't reach him.
Captain Patch
Hold on there, mate, I'll save you!
Cap'n Buck
I'm alright now. It's okay, I'm fine.
Where's your Captain, I want to thank him.
All the Pirates
Cap'n Buck
He drowned trying to save my life.
Pirate Bob
Peter Pirate
And yet, somehow appropriate.
Mister Creed
Shall I fish him out, Cap'n?
Peter Pirate
No, this is the way he would have wanted it.
Pirate Bob
He always talked of being buried at sea.
Cap'n Buck
Come, let us quarrel no more. We must band together now.
We've learned a bitter lesson today.
Cap'n Buck
Peter Pirate, Pirate Bob, you are welcome as members of my crew.
I owe your Captain that much.
Mister Creed
What about the ship?
Cap'n Buck
Ah, Mister Creed, the sea is a harsh mistress. But so is the land.
Why do we need a ship when we can get in all this trouble with a stretch of dirt road and a plank.
No, let us go where no pirate has gone before...
Mister Creed
No, I think it's this way.
The End