American Dragon
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Contents of this directory are copyright © 2003 Walt Disney TV Animation
- 101 - "Old School Training"
- 102 - "Shapeshifter"
- 103 - "Dragon Breath"
- 104 - "Adventures in Troll Sitting"
- 105 - "Fu Dog Takes A Walk"
- 106 - "The Order of the Dragon"
- 107 - "The Legend of Dragon Tooth"
- 108 - "The Talented Mr. Long"
- 109 - "Professor Rotwood's Thesis"
- 110 - "The Egg"
- 111 - "The Heist"
- 112 - "Act 4, Scene 15"
- 113 - "The Long Weekend"
- 114 - "Body Guard Duty"
- 115 - "Dragon Summit"
- 116 - "Fu and Tell"
- 117 - "Flight of the Unicorn"
- 118 - "Eye of the Beholder"
- 119 - "The Ski Trip"
- 120 - "Ring Around the Dragon"
- 121 - "Jake Takes The Cake"
- 122 - "Halloween Bash"
- 123 - "Keeping Shop"
- 124 - "The Hunted"
- 125 - "Hong Kong Nights"
- 201 - "Half Baked"
- 202 - "Hero of the Hourglass"
- 203 - "Bring It On"
- 204 - "The Academy"
- 205 - "Family Business"
- 205a - "Sister Act"
- 206 - "Something Fishy This Way Comes"
- 207 - "Hairy Christmas"
- 208 - "Breakout"
- 209 - "The Doppelganger Gang"
- 210 - "Dreamscape"
- 211 - "Fool's Gold"
- 212 - "The Love Cruise"
- 213 - "Feeding Frenzy"
- 213a - "Happy Fu Year"
- 214 - "A Befuddled Mind"
- 215 - "The Rotwood Files"
- 216 - "Haley Gone Wild"
- 217 - "Switcheroo"
- 217a - "Career Week, Part One"
- 218 - "Homecoming"
- 219 - "A Ghost Story"
- 220 - "Young At Heart"
- 220a - "Youth or Consequences"
- 221 - "Supernatural Tuesday"
- 221a - "Student Body By Jake"
- 222 - "Siren Says"
- 223 - "Shaggy Frog"
- 224 - "Year of the Jake"
- 225 - "Nobody's Fu"
- 226 - "Game On"
- 227 - "Bite Father, Bite Son"
- 228 - "Magic Enemy #1"
- 229 - "Furious Jealousy"
- 230 - "Being Human"
- 231 - "The Hong Kong Longs"
- 231a - "Hong Kong Fu-ey"
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