FADE IN

               INT. COURTHOUSE - DAY

               DOC BAILEY is examining the body of Otis Campbell, which
               has been placed on a cot in one of the jail cells.

                                      DOC BAILEY
                          You're right about the cause of death,
                          Sheriff.  It looks like somebody
                          walloped him pretty good with this here
                          mason jar.  Then stabbed him repeatedly
                          with the broken shards.

                          That's what I thought.

                          I thought it, too.

                                      DOC BAILEY
                          Of course, I'd know more if I perform
                          an autopsy.

                          That won't be necessary, Doc.  I think
                          we got a pretty good picture.

                                      DOC BAILEY
                          Wouldn't be no trouble.  I've been
                          reading up on the procedure in the
                          Raleigh Journal of Medicine.

                          Thanks, Doc.  We'll let you know.

               Doc Bailey packs up his black bag and leaves.

                          I gotta tell ya, Andy, I'm liking Rafe
                          Hollister for this one.  He's the
                          kingpin of the moonshiners in these
                          parts.  We oughta bring him in, put out
                          an all-points bulletin.  

                          Don't you think you're getting a little
                          ahead of yourself?  

                          You're right, we oughta do this one by
                          the book.  Canvass the neighborhood. 
                          Dust for fingerprints.  Round up the
                          usual suspects.

                          We'll get to that.  But first I think
                          we ought to inform the grieving widow. 
                          So she can start grieving.

                                                         CUT TO