"Reluctant Pornographer"

At the Youth Hostel, Ella is conviced her boyfriend, Ridley is not sexually active. He is going away for a rafting trip, While she stays back. In the sauna, She meets a couple, Pierre, and Suzette, and tells them about her problem. Pierre is convinced that Ridley loves sex, and has porn lying around somewhere. Ella agrees for their help, and they find a DVD porn in Ridley's music collection. They decide to make an amateur porn, to show Ridley when he comes back. Pierre and Suzette fakes the whole sex thing, but it looks like they are having sex. Ella thanks them for helping her.

Ella surprises Ridley with the sex video, but it doesn't play. She decides to get ready for a costume party the Youth Hostel is having and leaves him alone. Before she leaves, the video starts playing, and he is turned on by it. He is surprised to see the models at their room. Ridley kisses Suzette, and Pierre catches him. He notices that it's the plumber guy, and is shocked. Ella returns, where they couple leave. Ella presses on to have sex, Still Ridley refuses to.

Ella tricks Ridley by wearing Suzette's devil horns. Ridley then explain that he can't have sex with her, because he finds her as an angel, while Suzette is a dirty, naughty, girl. She explains that she could be naughty, and tells him that he could shoot a video with Pierre and Suzette.

Ella tells Pierre and Suzette about making the porn, under one condition, they know it's fake. Ella tells him it's fake, but he doesn't listen to her. He shoots the porn, while Pierre and Suzette jokes about sex, Ella then joins them. He is really turned on, and goes to them, which they ultimately stop. They tell him it was fake, and he decides to leave out of shame. Ella goes to him where she calls him a perverted person, and starts to film him. It starts to turn him on, and tells Ella he wants sex. She tells him now, and they break up.

Janet Lane - Ella
David Christo - Ridley

Billy Khoury - Pierre
France Viens - Suzette

Originally aired August 13-16, 2002


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